Hatch Energy Optimization & Management

Energy Optimization & Management


Site operation costs are a critical concern for facility owners. The higher the operating cost, the lower the bottom line. Typically, energy is one of the single most expensive outlays to run a facility. But how do you lower energy use, while maintaining, or even increasing production? How do you make it sustainable over the long term?

Growth-minded companies around the world need experienced and trusted partners. Experts who can implement sound energy-management strategies to help them reduce spending and improve overall productivity. They want customized solutions that combine technical, operational, and management approaches that are right for their unique operations. That identify best practices, cut operating costs, and enhance ROI.

Today, we face more and ever-stronger regulations around greenhouse gas emissions and environmental sustainability. Better energy use and its management need better conservation, for its own sake, and for the economic benefits that it delivers. Benefits that will become more desirable and sought-after as carbon pricing becomes the norm.


ISO 50002–compliant energy audits

Our ISO 50002–compliant energy-auditing process can create savings-opportunity plans targeted to your specifications. These assessments focus on the largest energy users, identifying opportunities to reduce energy waste, improve energy efficiency, and optimize energy supply. We create strategies that balance low-cost, high-return, easy-to-implement operational improvements and more capital-intensive, long-term solutions, depending on your unique requirements. We can also help you navigate applicable government incentive funding to help your capital projects be implemented.

Energy management strategies and plans including ISO 50001 compliance

Good energy-management strategies and plans are essential to achieving your energy conservation and efficiency targets. Your sites can take prescriptive actions, identifying and evaluating targets and KPIs to ensure they're realistic and effective. All meet the international ISO 50001 requirements to develop a plan, identify and implement improvements, measure results, and then continuously improve.

Energy management process integration

Process integration is an established approach for identifying the best energy-savings opportunities using the Pinch analysis technique and software. Best practice concepts help industries increase profitability by reducing energy, water, and raw materials use; greenhouse gas emissions; and waste.

Integrating energy management in engineering design

It's much easier and more cost-effective to design a plant for energy efficiency up-front than retrofit an existing one. We conduct energy-efficiency reviews throughout all stages of design, from concept studies to detailed engineering design. This ensures energy use is optimized immediately following commissioning. Energy efficiency can improve by 20% to 30%, depending on when in the process it's implemented.

Energy-efficient retrofits

When it comes to designing and implementing energy-efficient retrofits for your brownfield operations, you need a partner who will limit costly downtime, consider safety, and keep your long-term business objectives front-of-mind.

Measurement and verification

Accurate measurement and verification (M&V) lets you quantify the results of your conservation and efficiency investments. M&V plans describe your baseline and model your to-be energy-efficient cases, calculating the actual energy savings achieved after the energy improvement, considering changing factors such as production, weather, product mix, etc. M&V doesn't just analyze your current energy use; it estimates how much energy you'll consume if the efficiencies aren't implemented.

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