Fluid Bed

Fluidized Bed Systems

Custom fluidization design for novel processes & unconventional applications




equipment design


high-temperature process vessels




Fluidized bed systems have wide application as dryers, roasters, calciners, classifiers, and reactors within the metallurgical, chemical, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical industries.

As high-grade feedstocks become depleted, companies want to diversify their production capabilities and minimize capital expenditures at the same time. To do this, existing units must run beyond their original design limits and operate for longer periods between maintenance outages. And they must do so with high reliability, meeting more stringent safety standards. Further complicating this is the potential loss of in-house knowledge about systems that have been modified over years or decades.

Off-the-rack designs are not available for novel processes, nor for applications that are unconventional or operating in harsh temperatures or chemical environments. For these uses, owners must navigate through lab and pilot testing, equipment design and selection, as well as scale-up issues in unfamiliar territories.

Unique process, mechanical, operational, site, environmental, or safety-related requirements must be considered when designing a new system or before modifying an existing one. Failure to account for the unique requirements of a fluid-bed application can lead to missed production, quality or environmental targets; complicated maintenance issues; as well as significant safety risks to the operators.



A mechanical audit of the operation is a natural starting point to understand a system’s unique requirements. A debottlenecking roadmap can help squeeze more out of existing assets with a minimal capital investment.

Test work, pilot, and demo plants

Development and review of test work, pilot plants, and demonstration plants enables proper scale-up and operation.

Custom design

Custom design and repair of fluidized beds and auxiliaries systems can avoid the need to replace entire pieces of equipment.

Computational particle fluid dynamics

Cutting-edge computational particle fluid dynamics (CPFD) provides valuable insight into the operation and design of fluidized systems. Our simulation team can capture the truly complex features of fluidization, including the impact of multicomponent, variable-particle-size mixtures and vessel geometry that are linked to key performance indicators, such as product yield.

Production ramp-up and safety

Commissioning planning, refractory inspections, and refractory curing supervision, through to complete hot commissioning and operational support, gets a facility to production quickly and safely.


  • Double the capacity of fluid-bed vessels used in titanium feedstock industry.
  • Extend the life of vessels by improving feed systems, windbox, refractory or gas distributor designs, or control philososphies.
  • Mitigate high dust losses.
  • Minimize thermal and mechanical stresses to prolong life of the vessel.
  • Reduce maintenance and downtime by eliminating solid transfer systems for direct solids discharge through fluidized seal legs.

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