


Resource developers need facilities that generate revenue in the shortest possible time with the highest degree of cost-and-schedule certainty. Return on investment, speed to market, and capital-intensity-level requirements are primary challenges for major projects in today’s market.

Module execution affects every facet of project implementation, from project management and engineering to procurement, construction, and commissioning. Remote projects must be planned, engineered, and designed in ways that mitigate key risks during construction. The best modularization strategies can be developed when there is clear, full and especially, early, understanding of the logistical constraints to engineering and design.


Innovative logistics solutions

No port? No problem. Logistical challenges can be overcome through cost-effective module transportation and installation solutions. It’s about finding the balance between optimal module size, the amount of man-hours removed from site, and the cost of transportation, and required infrastructure upgrades. Those are what drive the development of optimal modular execution strategies.

Innovative modular facility layouts

Business and project drivers, risks, and constraints affect the layout of any facility. Experienced layout teams consider all factors in developing the most efficient precast concrete, modularization, and/or preassemby strategies.


Precast design improves productivity, schedule, and cost certainty. We develop tailored precast strategies and deliver them for a wide set of scenarios, including foundations, panels, and mechanical equipment, such as thickeners.


From high-elevation projects in the Andes, to Arctic projects only accessible by ice roads, remote projects pose serious logistical constraints. The innovative use of preassemblies, panelization, vendor skids, and more, helps minimize man-hours from remote sites and maximize to cost savings.

Innovative construction execution methods

Innovative construction methodologies reduce work at heights, open up multiple work fronts, and eliminate the use of large cranes, etc., through the use of various modular techniques. Customized construction execution strategies help improve cost, schedule, and safety and reduce risk.


Whether your project’s location mandates the development of mega-modules or smaller truckable ones, we design and deliver the most efficient fit-for-purpose solutions. Modules designed with a "plug-and-play" system ensure the maximum amount of site hours are allocated as efficiently as possible.

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