

A Canadian solution to the environmental and economic challenges of bitumen extraction

Safe, low-pressure



reduction in greenhouse gas emissions


water usage


capital and operating costs


Until now, developing in-situ oil reserves has meant significant costs, both for producers and the environment.

Between high capital and operating costs, major technical hurdles, and most recently the sharp drop in oil prices, much of the oil sand resources remain undeveloped.

At the same time, the environmental footprint of oil extraction has drawn vocal opposition from around the world. Although much progress has been made, current extraction technologies have their downside, such as high water usage and energy-intensive processes resulting in high emissions.


Nsolv’s game-changing technology produces a higher quality oil product. It can access problematic reservoirs for a fraction of the cost—all while dramatically reducing environmental impacts.

The patented process uses warm solvents to extract oil-sands resources using no water and only a quarter of the greenhouse gas emissions compared with traditional technologies. The technology’s benefits are even more important in today’s low oil price environment, offering a higher rate of return on investment. The Nsolv® process is already being applied in the Canadian oil sands.

For more information, please visit Nsolv Pilot Plant.


Cleaner energy

  • Process uses zero water and very little natural gas
  • Significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, about ¾ compared with traditional methods
  • Solvent is recovered and reused
  • Small surface footprint compared with existing technologies

Business value

  • Higher return on investment due to lower capital and operating costs
  • Better quality oil due to in-situ upgrading
  • Safely unlocks oil resources currently not accessible with traditional extraction processes
  • Reduces transportation challenges significantly

“Nsolv is the kind of technology that has the potential to generate jobs, growth and export opportunities, and to bring lasting economic, environmental and health benefits to Canadians and people around the world.”

Leah Lawrence | President & CEO, Sustainable Development Technology Canada, Nsolv

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