Non Destructive Testing

Remote Expert Services

Stay productive, stay effective, stay safe

Maintain your operational momentum during times of disruption

The immediate challenges we face today during this pandemic are manifold. Finding new ways of working to keep your operational momentum is imperative.

To effectively manage your assets, you need to connect the right people together, have access to trusted experts and the right data at the right time, and find innovative ways to keep your assets online.

Team collaboration, even with physical distancing, is essential to continue executing your projects and start-ups and performing day-to-day operations and maintenance.

During these challenging times, our commitment has not changed—we make it our priority to support our clients’ needs to ensure they can carry on with vital projects and maintain full operational health, while keeping everyone safe.

Keep assets productive and effective with remote services

Hatch has intensified its deployment of remote services to help you keep your assets productive and even enhance productivity. Leveraging our familiarity with your facilities, assets, and operations and through deployment of digital technologies, our team of experts and specialists offer real-time remote collaboration with your team on the ground in a way that is flexible, secure, scalable, and most of all, delivers results.

How we can help your team

Our multi-disciplinary and specialized services require certain activities to be carried on on-site. With the use of digital technologies, we are able to continue to deliver these services in a remote manner. Some of these activities include:

  • Meetings and workshops
  • Guided plant tours
  • Construction support
  • Commissioning support
  • Ramp-up support
  • Light audits, including for risks


Featured activities

Our remote rapid response teams provide fast access to expert skills through an immersive and data-rich communications platform. Always available and with the full data set at their fingertips, we are uniquely positioned to provide the right support to your projects and operations.

Meetings and workshops: conduct virtual meetings and workshops, share live content, and interact in real time with our subject matter experts from around the world.

Guided plant tours: enable virtual guided tours of your facilities to help remote engineering and consulting teams familiarize themselves with your facility’s operations in a safe and controlled environment.

Risk auditing: facilitate safety and risk assessment programs during construction, operations, and production stages. Review environmental settings and compliance requirements while reducing the inspection and audit frequencies to sites.

Inspection, troubleshooting, and diagnostics: guided by our subject matter experts, perform hands-free and up-close inspection of assets with our specialized tools. Safely troubleshoot, assess, and rapidly resolve issues in the field so you can maximize equipment uptime and improve productivity.

Operational readiness, commissioning, and ramp-up: digitally enhance your ramp-up and ramp-down programs. Bring novel ways to empower your staff with additional experts and specialist skills. Improve communication and the movement of data, and boost both capacity and capability to ensure you have an optimized project, a rapid ramp-up, and sustained stable operations.

Process monitoring: leverage our process expertise and advanced analytics to accurately monitor process variation and overall performance, diagnose issues whenever they arise, and guide operators to achieve process improvements.

Keep the momentum going

With these safe, practical, and cost-effective approaches using innovative digital collaboration technologies, you can tap into expert skills and knowledge remotely. It keeps your teams safe and bolsters your business continuity plans for a more resilient enterprise.

Non-Destructive Testing


We have successfully delivered Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services to key clients in the metals industry including iron and steel plants, and alumina refineries. We’ve made NDT possible in two very constrained and challenging industrial environments with the use of advanced digital technologies and novel ways of working.

See a demo of our Non-Destuctive Testing approach

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