Social risk and reputation management

Social risk and reputation management

Realizing your social license

Early issue identification

Predictable social outcomes

Long-term mutual benefits

Beyond the bottom-line

A growing number of business leaders understand that they must embrace both financial and social goals and pay closer attention to project impacts on stakeholders. It has never been more important for businesses to work collaboratively and truly engage the stakeholders living close to projects or having an interest in project delivery. Businesses must consider any perceived or real impacts on stakeholders throughout the entire project life cycle as projects move closer to communities, cities, and sensitive or difficult-to-access areas.

There is no single social playbook or blueprint that exists that can easily unpack the way forward, driving businesses to tap into their creativity to address social needs that are inevitable.

Solutions for stakeholder engagement

Hatch advises business leaders on strategic decisions impacting local communities that embody both financial and social goals while proactively managing project risks due to schedule delays, disruptions, or even cancellations. As your consultant, we are uniquely positioned to guide you through all phases of your project, leveraging our in-depth understanding of mining, energy, and infrastructure project delivery.

Here’s how we can help

  • Social risk identification: early risk identification and mitigation to identify possible social and reputational risks related to developing a project on a national, regional, or local scale.
  • Stakeholder mapping: understand political and traditional in-community influence, motivations, impact on project approval processes, and relationship connectivity between all stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder and Indigenous engagement planning: an action plan that identifies goals, strategies, tactics, situational analyses, project assumptions and constraints, opportunities to advocate, and recommendations for communication tools, timing, and key messages.
  • Conflict resolution baseline and recommendations: conflict resolution baseline desk study to summarize existing stakeholder dynamics in the region, previous activities associated with similar projects, and recommendations to proactively overcome potential conflict.
  • Socioeconomic inclusion plan: identification and planning of synergistic benefits between company and community including maximizing employment, partnership agreements, procurement, and implementation of socioeconomic commitments.
  • Stakeholder relations execution: on-the-ground stakeholder engagement execution and project advocacy with local communities, Indigenous groups, media, non-governmental organizations, government, academia and research organizations, industry groups, and regulators.
  • Participation agreement negotiation: negotiate participation agreements in partnership or on behalf of parties interested in a contractual relationship that maximizes socioeconomic opportunities between communities and project proponents.

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